Powerful software and real-life tested features at a surprising price.

What makes a CMMS awesome?
Is it the care and innovation that's going into its continuous development? Is it the real-life facility manager approved functionalities? Or is it that you don't have to overextend your budget to bring easy and powerful CMMS to your team's day to day?
We believe it's all of the above. You'll see why soon.
Advanced Custom Fields
DetSet (Detailed Set of Questions), our Advanced Custom Fields feature, allows you the power to set up your own questions to gather the information you need about your maintenance. Your maintenance staff can fill these in alongside everything else on a work order, giving you the opportunity to create and learn from a whole new customized data set.
- Create custom fields by selecting from a list of qustion types
- Create custom forms and attach to any work order
- Attach forms to a group of rooms, users, assets, etc.
- Access everything from the mobile app
- Easily report on all custom fields
Delayed Tasks
When it just doesn't make sense to do a task today, you can now delay it, and give it a new date. Simply open the Task, change the Status to Delayed, and pick a future date when you want the task to re-appear in your task list. When the day arrives, it'll be back at the top of your list, highlighted in yellow.
Housekeeping Add-On
The Housekeeping add-on is new feature specifically designed to meet your housekeeping needs, dedicated to all the essential things that keep living spaces fresh and clean and make people comfortable. From a rooms list database, to cleaning schedules, to customizable tasks list, this feature has everything. Plus, you can now edit and schedule your tasks from calendar view!
You'll Love Maintenance Care CMMS
Live Maintenance Work Orders
Keep things easily accessible and manage all of your tasks easily and efficiently with user-friendly work order software. Ours lets you quickly access all of your information in one convenient, well displayed list.
Complete Asset Management List
Keep all of your asset information in one convenient place with facility management software. CMMS lets you maintain records on all essential information including make, model, serial number and much more.
Preventative Maintenance
Plan your entire workload and improve building efficiency with scheduling through preventative maintenance software. You can review ongoing task scheduling routines and make changes using our service order software.
Automatic Task Assignment
Improve task scheduling by automatically assigning tasks to one of your maintenance team members within a software for work orders. Accountability and results are sure to follow.
CMMS Mobile App
The easy-to-use mobile app for maintenance allows your maintenance team to carry their task list with them all day long. Manage tasks, receive notifications and lookup assets all from your mobile device of choice.
Cross-Platform Capabilities
We give you the option of choosing what type of mobile device you want in your pocket. We built the iMCare App to work on Apple devices, Android devices and Blackberry touch devices.
Asset Scanning
Want to know more about your assets? Use our mobile app to scan them and find out everything you need to know without having to go back to your desk.
Maintenance Data Exports
All of the information you enter inside of your software for work orders is easily exportable for your convenience. Use the export wizard to back up all of your data from various reports in .csv formats.
Other Alexa Skills
Once you have your Alexa device set up, you will be able to use it for other skills like asking for the weather or today's news. Connect it to your building automation system or to ask for health facts!
Automated Temperature Sensors
With the help of low cost wireless sensors, you can capture temperature readings for specific points of interests within your facility. Set minimum and maximum levels to ensure performance.
3D Virtual Reality Spaces
Capture a virtual tour of your facility in immersive 3D. Plus tag all of your assets in the 3D view and link them directly to your Maintenance Care work order software. From one room to your entire facility - we can help.
Easy Work Order Request Form
Give access for submitting maintenance requests easily through a web form. Software for work orders enables your maintenance team to receive tasks from others who discover potential issues.
Asset Repair and Cost Tracking
Easily capture and access repair transaction history on for any piece of equipment, at any time with work order sofware. This allows for a sustainable process to accurately profile each assets performance and makes lifecycle evaluation easy.
Scheduling for Compliance
Quickly isolate those preventive tasks that require special attention allowing you to easily create a comprehensive report to maintain facility standards for compliance regulators.
Parts and Inventory Tracking
Keep information on all of your spare parts in one easily accessible location with facility management software. Maintain records on your entire inventory so your team will always know just what stock you have.
CMMS Dashboards and Charts
Our beautifully designed dashboards provides you with a quick overview of all your systems. Modify and customize your dashboard to your liking and easily print any graphs for distribution.
API Ready
We have already built our API from Maintenance Care that can allow your specific software of choice to connect to our database. No more double-entry, let's start making sure it's easier to work together.
Cloud Storage for CMMS
Keep all of your documentation in relation to your facility in one, easy-to-access location. We make sure that your schematics, training documents or other related files are safe and secure with CMMS cloud storage.
Wireless Sensor Technology
Low cost wireless sensors are available for various use including submersible monitoring, surface temperature logging, freezer applications and ambiant room temperature and humidity.
Instant Team Notifications
Allow your team to automatically be notified of any new requests that need attention. Our service order software allows for notification by email and text messages that can be delivered instantly.
Capital Planning
Forecasting and budgeting for asset replacement can eliminate unnecessary unplanned repair expenditures as well as reduce possible downtime for those key pieces of equipment within your facility. Our CMMS makes capital planning for asset replacement simple.
Custom Fillable Forms
Automatically include special files or documents to any preventive maintenance task within our facility management software. Forms can be uploaded and linked to a PM task for easy access.
Spare Parts Price Tracking
Stop wasting money on your parts and inventory. Use the price tracking feature to keep detailed records of your initial purchase price, re-order prices and even average cost for each part, to make better buying decisions.
Detailed Tracking for Everyone
Run endless reports on various components within our facility management software. Choose your preferred view from overview tabulations of the information to very detailed lists.
1000+ Integrations
There are so many possibilities for integrations with our network of 1000+ connected applications that we can't name them all. Maintenance Care may connect to a software application that you currently use.
Amazon Alexa Voice Control
You can now speak simple every day voice commands like "How many new tasks do I have?", "How many tasks did I get this month?" as well as "Create a new Work Order" all hands free and easily.
Mobile File Access
Utilize the power of mobility to access stored documents and images, or through the iMCare mobile app, take pictures of incidents or assets and directly upload them to your file folders.
Get Sensored Integration
Get Sensored is fully integrated with Maintenance Care on various levels including the ability for instant task creation and notifications upon out of range sensor temperature reading.
Inventory Tracking
Maintain records on your entire inventory so your maintenance team will always know exactly what stock you have and how much of it you have.
Asset Price Tracking
Use the price tracking feature to keep detailed records of your initial purchase price, re-order prices and even average cost for each part, so you can make better purchasing decisions.